The Best

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The Best


"The best" is a very subjective phrase and people typically use it when they're looking for a quick and easy answer for what to choose without doing proper research or figuring it out for themselves. (SOmething about the user not being lazy), but, needless to say, just because there are multiple options or choices when it comes to a particular setting or decision does not necessarily infer that there is a best way to go about it.

Example Questions

What is...

...the best Window Layout?
...the best resolution to play at?
...the best CPU Strategy to choose?
...the best way to go about setting up VideoFX?
...the best DPS rotation?
...the best class to play?
...the best game to multibox?
...the best way to heal my party?

The answers to any of the above questions can only be answered by the person asking them because only they know what they like the best. Instead of "the best," people may want to, instead, ask for which method is the "most efficient" way to do something; but even this doesn't cover everything.

What is the...

...most efficient Window Layout?
...most efficient resolution to play at?
...most efficient CPU Strategy to choose?
...most efficient way to go about setting up VideoFX?
...most efficient DPS rotation?
...most efficient class to play?
...most efficient game to multibox?
...most efficient way to heal my party?

The examples listed in red don't make sense when interchanging the two phrases because their answers are still entirely dependent on the user/player; but the examples listed in green make much more sense and can most likely be answered.

Breaking It Down

You might be asking, "How is there not a "best" option?" or, "Why is it so difficult for someone else to tell me what the best option is?" Well, in order to answer this we need to break it down a bit further.

Personal Preference

Almost time when the phrase "the best" is included in the question, the answer comes down to personal preference. No one can tell you what you like best, except for yourself.


Q - What is the best Window Layout?
A - I don't know...

Does your system have multiple monitors?
Do you like using multiple monitors?
Does your system have multiple GPUs?
Do you want to split the load between the GPUs?
Do you want specific game clients tied to specific monitors?
Do you want them to swap between the monitors?

Only under special circumstances?

Do you want the mouse cursor to be in the same place in each game client?

Not Enough Context

System Hardware Dependency

The Moral of the Story

Experiment and figure out what works best for you. There is rarely ever going to be a single answer that is going to be "the best" or even the "most efficient" way of doing something. Everyone is their own special unique snowflake and everyone tends to like something different -- Whether it's key bindings, user interfaces, Video FX setups,