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6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

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Post Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:23 am

6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

So I have been having this problem for awhile, its been intermittent but it is really starting to drive me crazy. Here's what happens, typically after playing for a little while, but sometimes it can be right after logging in when I switch to a window it will bring it up and then something strange happens. It flashes back like its going into fullscreen mode, then I have this strange overlay like the window has resized itself ( everything gets kind of distorted ) as a fullscreen window .. and all the sudden everything goes down hill very quickly. If I cant close the game quickly it will lock up my entire PC and force a hard restart.

My setup is 6 instances, all on one machine, the windows are minimizes to the left hand side of my screen in a colum and I use f1-f6 to as hotkeys to activate each window respectively.

Symptons of this coming on are

1) Minimizes windows will start to always be on top, even if i pull up my web-browser they still overlap that even
2) My desktop backround starts to showup as a default windows blue
3) Finally a window when activated suddenly swaps to fullscreen, then bugs out and just freezes basically .. within 60 sec my whole pc is locked up

I have about 1.5gb free in my ram when this happens and my CPU is around 75% when I'm in a heavy graphics area in EQ with all 6 running.

My pc specs are
Q9650 oc'd 4.05ghz
8gb 2000mhz ddr3 ram
GTX260 ultra (I think it has 1gb of ram or very close to that)

Lastly I play on a 30 inch monitor and the resolution is 2560x1600 ( this might be relevant here not sure ? ). I've thought about messing with this new setting that allows me to stop ISboxer from forcing EQ into windowed mode? I'm not sure if that could be relevant as well. Currently I have EQ running in windowed mode though. Thanks for your help, let me know if you need any additional info I'll be happy to provide.


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Post Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:25 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

Did some more testing on this just now and it seems to actually happen whenever I'm using mouse and keyboard repeating. I have a hotkey that activates all mouse and keyboard repeating on all 6 windows, for clicking stuff at once and things like that. I'm not 100% sure but I th ink this only happens right after I've turned that on to click on something. I'll try to make note of it everytime it happens from here on out. Also I did try running EQ in fullscreen mode just now to see if that helps ( at least EQ thinks its in fullscreen that is ) and I still have the same issues occur.


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Post Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:44 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

Ok, did more testing and it is definitely related to having mouse repeating turned on. I turned it on for about 30-60 sec .. clicked around a lot .. and usually after alt tabing a few times ( in game and to out of game stuff like my web browser ) it did it. Reproduced it several times this evening, the first sign is the window becomes non responsive basically, if I try to maximize it I usually wind up in a BSOD. If I don't I can actually still pass keys to that window and camp it to desktop and it responds just fine. I'm going to try and avoid using mouse repeating for a few days and see if I have the same issue, but I sure would like to have that working .. huge time saver in EQ.


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Post Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:12 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

If you're getting whole-PC lockups and BSODs, this is definitely either a driver or hardware issue. These are not things that a user-mode application has permission from the operating system to do

Also, re: this
[01:17] <Sanza> Hey is Lax around, or anyone familiar with ISboxer + EQ1?

EQ1 doesn't really matter, this doesn't sound EQ-specific. Really you need to check for video drivers and hope it's not your hardware ;)


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Post Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:32 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

It is EQ specific and its only when I have your mouse repeater turned on. There is almost no way its a driver issue, all of my drivers are up to date and no other game or program I have is showing any problems like this. I've boxed WoW for the last year using Isboxer and this issues has never happened their either. Something with the window layout gets extremely fucked up whenever this happens, the windows start freezing one by one, then my computer stops responding .. 5 minuters later a BSOD pops up. Again this only happens when I have mouse repeater turned on in EQ1. The BSOD references my win32 client when it happens. I'm not just getting an instant BSOD either, you can see that something with innerspace is going completely fubar before it happens, somehow my start bar ends up on the top of the screen, my mouse clicks aren't where my mouse actually is. The windows are somehow stuck in fullscreen mode but not actually fullscreen if that makes any sense, something with the window positioning and sizing gets incredibly messed up with innerspace, and then about 5 minutes later I get a BSOD.

All that being said I played for several hours last night, never turned on mouse repeating and the issue never occurred.


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Post Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:49 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

I understand your issues and why you would believe the things you do, and you're welcome to take or ignore my advice as you see fit... but the fact is that in order to produce a system-wide freeze or a BSOD, there MUST be a driver issue (or other OS kernel issue), or a hardware issue. Inner Space is 100% user-mode (no kernel mode at all) and cannot do that. I don't have anything else to recommend other than drivers (if you're on the latest, perhaps trying a rollback would be appropriate) or hardware. There are other EQ1 players using ISBoxer, with the mouse repeater functionality, and this is the only report of such issues across any games...

You can disable the fake cursor rendering in your Repeater Profile, and that might help you avoid the issue while allowing you to use the mouse repeat functionality.


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Post Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:01 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

Thanks for the info. Went ahead and turned off the mouse cursor, but I had to do a funky work around for that. I use a keymap to turn mouse repeating on and off and I have a clickbar button tied into that so I can see when its on, but there didn't appear to be an option there to turn the cursor rendering off on the slaves. So I had to setup a repeater profile and set a hotkey for the toggle there, seems to get out of sync though if I swap windows with it on and try to turn it off. At any rate, haven't had any issues with that turned off so far.


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Post Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:56 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

I meant the option at the top of your Repeater Profile "Show fake cursor in Repeater target windows when mouse repeat is enabled" -- other than that you'd be fine with the default methods of activating key/mouse repeat. Setting hotkeys in your Repeater Profile is not recommended, a mapped key with a click bar indicator is both default and recommended ;)


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Post Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:56 pm

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

Ok well, I did that but the mouse cursor is still showing up in the target windows. Infact, even using the toggle key its show up in them today, very strange. It wasn't showup up yesterday but not I can't get it to go away and using the keymap it just never went away, even with the option unchecked in the repeater profile.

Edit: I re-exported my profile without changing anything and the mouse cursor went away, this is the second time its happened now somehow the setting keeps reverting to having the mouse cursor turned on without me actually changing anything.

Edit2: Ok now I see, that the keymap does actually work with the setting in the repeater profile ( doesn't show cursor in target windows ) but it looks like I have to re-export my profile everytime I reload the char set or the setting will revert and start showing the cursor again ( even though it isn't actually checked in ISboxer )


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Post Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:18 am

Re: 6 boxing 1 machine, strange issue

Interesting, I'll check on that.

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