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New Neverboxer: Party composition ?

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Post Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:01 pm

New Neverboxer: Party composition ?

Hi Everyone,

First, a shout out to Sylver who has done a monumental job in putting together Neverboxer. Really awesome work. I'm relatively new multi-boxer and a new isboxer/neverboxer user. Just started, but loving it so far.

Anyway, my question is related to party composition. I've built a 5 member team using the GF 2DC 2CW based on the suggestions in the forum. But quite a bit of time has passed since some of the posts so just wanted to check this is still a good road to travel if my intention is late game dungeons (also new to Neverwinter.)

Right now, I'm running two parties of 3 (GF/DC/CW) to get used to config but still be able to do quests in low pop instances without setting off alarm bells. Once I get foundry, I'll combine into a single party of 5 and continue to duo/trio quests in shared zones (see below). Which leads me to my first of what is sure to be many questions:

As I'll be running 5 characters in 3 character sets (1 party of 5, 1 part of 3, 1 party of 2) at various times, is there a relatively painless (scripted?) way of loading the binds file based on which set is playing? It's not a big deal manually clearing/unbinding/loading, but would be nice to not need to worry about it each time.

On that note, I know it's not recommended to run a party of 5 through shared zones due to the grey area of multiboxing. That being said, my info is based on posts on this forum of which some are pretty old. Currently some of the zones have < 5 people in them when I login (Australia-time)--think it is still an issue to run a 5 party team?

Hope this board is still active.


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Post Sun Jun 14, 2015 3:30 am

Re: New Neverboxer: Party composition ?

Answered my own question. Instead of using /bind_load_file with the individual bind files, i just export to inner space, then load the single isboxer-binds file into each character. much easier.

Was also having some issues on the party invite but got that working. The default F13 key was throwing it off so swapped it with CTL-END and now all good. Is there a way of sending SHIFT-1 (accept invite) to all kids or do you need to ] to each screen and manually accept?

Attacks, formations, etc all working great with three. Hope to get the other 2 up tomorrow or next day.



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Post Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:18 am

Re: New Neverboxer: Party composition ?


Glad to hear your resolved your main question and are off to the races. If you have any remaining issues/questions please post them and hopefully we can help.

Since Neverwinter is no longer new and other games have come out it seems like most people that were multiboxing and active on this forum have either stopped monitoring the forum &/or stopped playing. There are typically others who don't use the forums or only use it when they have issues so there is some activity out there that we never got reports of success/failure on.

The party GF+DCx2+CWx2 seemed to be the most balanced when activity was high and had the highest progression in instances and unless someone reports differently I would think that is still the best option.


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Post Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:51 am

Re: New Neverboxer: Party composition ?

ananda wrote:Is there a way of sending SHIFT-1 (accept invite) to all kids or do you need to ] to each screen and manually accept?

You can used the Mapped Key Wizard, and select a Straight Key Broadcast, setting SHIFT+1 as the key (this will also be your hotkey as well as what is sent to the game). When it comes to the final screen, if the order of the accept matters, then you will want to tick the Round Robin box. If the order of the accept does not matter, you wont need to. If you do need to tick Round-Robin, then you will need to press the hotkey once for each toon to accept.

Sometimes, depending on the game, and as someone who hasn't boxed Neverwinter I don't know, you may need to set the "Hold" option if the game does not recognise the SHIFT key when it is sent. To modify this after the fact, you find your mapped key in the Key Map you created it in, select it, and then on the right, there should be an option for "Hold any keystroke actions while Hotkey is held".


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Post Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:39 pm

Re: New Neverboxer: Party composition ?

Thanks for the advice guys. Appreciate it, particularly given that you've probably moved on to other games. On that note, what other games is there an active multiboxer community at the moment (other than WoW)? I'm really enjoying NWO and will play until no longer fun, but also like to listen in/participate in more active communities.


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Post Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:54 am

Re: New Neverboxer: Party composition ?

ananda wrote:Thanks for the advice guys. Appreciate it, particularly given that you've probably moved on to other games. On that note, what other games is there an active multiboxer community at the moment (other than WoW)? I'm really enjoying NWO and will play until no longer fun, but also like to listen in/participate in more active communities.
Glad you are liking NWO as I also enjoyed it and still have a few friends that play regularly...

Currently I am mainly playing Archeage but unfortunately that is not multi-boxable with tools like ISBoxer. That being said I do run multiple AA clients for the free labor (an in game resource/restriction) by running Virtual Machines. It is not multiboxing per se but the game does allow mounts to have passengers and there are auto-follow abilities so there are still advantages (but no FTL attacking & auto-follow breaks in combat)... It is tricky to get working as most people cannot get their VMs stable so there is a good amount of interest but not really a multiboxing community there.

Unless you see other folk chime in I recommend you hit the main ISBoxer Game directory and look at the last dates of posts for each game and check the directories with recent posts to gauge their activity level.


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