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Issue Diablo III scaling on 4k Only full screen

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Post Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:07 pm

Issue Diablo III scaling on 4k Only full screen

Ok I must be doing something wrong...have tried tweaking and rebooting a bunch of times...have probably 100 different WoW groups at or near max so not new to Innerspace/ISBoxer but decided to try Diablo III

I am having an issue with windows scaling on 4k 3840x2160 Diablo III

Full screen works (as expected)
1. Starting any Diablo III game from 32bit(x86), 64bit or the launcher direct from the folder on PC
2. Starting any Diablo III game from 32bit(x86), 64bit or the launcher direct from battlenet on PC
3. Starting any Diablo III game from 32bit(x86), 64bit or the launcher direct from right clicking Innerspace default very top menu in the context selection

So game loads correctly by default in Innerspace... I have the FPS text in the corner and everything

If I use any other layout like 1 center top and several small windows below that looks fine too no issues

But if I try to use the wizard to make a group using any combo of full screen...whether full display1 or stacked full screen

the game is zoomed into what looks to be 4x its size to the top left corner whenever I select 1 or 2 characters in the window layout wizard (and the FPS text only shows part of the corner data like it is also out of bounds)

I've tried 3 different times running the wizard from start to finish using different character names and deleted and re-ran the window wizard by itself multiple times and can't get it to work

The regions all say they are 3840 x 2160 and I have even run the compatibility check box override as was suggested back in 2017 which I tried first...and was already checked anyway on brand new 1st time install

The Innerspace console report says all good when making sure characters in character set are Valid and is successfully executing the same Diablo III 64.exe as everything else

I have 50,000ish lines in my XML toolkit and exporting does give some "not well formed" XML errors but I have so much custom icons, click bars, groups and settings for WoW I am leery of wiping it all out

Ok speaking of XML i just searched it with the last wizard try and I see a reference to DPI scale...is the custom full screen different than the default? or using the value in code? because I tried again and its zoomed on wizard again but not the default Innerspace...and haven't changed the default recommended windows scaling of 300 on 4k

I may also have the latest beta build if something changed recently 1.16 build 6425

<Name>&lt;Current Screen Layout&gt;</Name>
<Description>This Window Layout features a single window with no border, the size of the full screen.</Description>
<SwapGroups />


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Post Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:13 am

Re: Issue Diablo III scaling on 4k Only full screen

According to that, you have the Windows DPI scaling (Settings in Windows), set to 300%. I'd try settings Windows to 100% (basically, at 300%, everything is pretty much displaying at 1280x720, although the math on what resolution is actually being used is complex). Now if you can't work like that because your 4K monitor is small (i.e. less than 40"), and it makes everything tiny, then, set the ISBoxer Toolkit application compatibility for DPI to be System, and then create a new Window Layout. You also may want to set this option on the diablo exe that is being used.

Note: this image is from an older version of Windows 10, so you may have a button on this page to get to another page to then select this setting.


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Post Sat Apr 06, 2019 7:13 pm

Re: Issue Diablo III scaling on 4k Only full screen

You are correct I have to change the ISBoxer window layout to 1280x720 to get the window to fit if I keep windows scaling at 300%...which is very grainy on a 4k TV

Bless you for trying to help...thank you...I do appreciate it...you did help with ISBoxer by suggesting running the ISBoxer Suite to override system DPI scaling...I had just previously done that with the Diablo III exe's and innerspace as I think it was your old posts I hit upon trying to find a solution

All my ISBoxer Suite menus would be cut off at the top like "File" "Wizards" and "Help" and the scrolling news at the bottom was cut off...the Wiki and news feed was badly scaled in the upper right quadrant before that override "system" DPI scale change and had been something that bothered me but not enough to post...I do like that part working for me now

Its not like I cannot play by changing my windows scaling to 100% just to launch this "one" game...and change it back after...WoW works fine as does everything but DIablo III launched as a character set...I just wanted to try my hand at boxing it fullscreen and add vfx viewers of the other characters like I do with WoW while at 3840x2160

Where it gets annoying is if I have to look outside the game to google something

At 100% scaling I had to use accessibility magnifier to see...but Diablo III's cursor will not appear in game(not an ISBoxer issue) unless I launch the game without having magnifier on so I went with windows scaling as a better solution and ran into this other issue

I am blind unless I am on top of the TV at 100%...rather then move my chair depending on what I am doing...I zoomed in with scaling

I adopted 4k early on despite many issues over the years so I am used to issues especially with windows and trying to resolve them...just this issue with DIablo III didn't make any sense to me since every other way of launching the game works perfectly fine with Innerspace defaults and Blizzard's defaults

Its just the scaling that seems to kick in and cause issues once I make a character set in ISBoxer for Diablo III and export it to Innerspace and launch...


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sat Apr 06, 2019 7:19 pm

Re: Issue Diablo III scaling on 4k Only full screen

If you want to keep the 300% setting, you need to have the toolkit and the games executables (and possibly even launchers), set to System for the DPI override. You would also need to create a NEW window layout (wizards menu, window layout wizard, don't choose something from the dropdown which says it is "existing") after setting this for the toolkit, so it retrieves the correct settings for the displays. That should then allow the games to run at 4k, and windows to rescale for display.

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