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Blurry Text help

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:35 am

Post Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:54 am

Blurry Text help

Hi, I read the sticky thread on Resolutions,Windowed modes,Text,Swapping Speed but still having problems with blurry text

I used a full screen layout just to compare with original game:
Using isboxer:

As you can see, the text is quite blurry when im using isboxer to launch the game

Here is capture state:

Session is1: d3quad - D31 - Slot 1
Executable: C:\Games\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe
Command line: "C:\Games\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe" -launch
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 1920x1080 style 96000000. Rendering: 1280x720 - Windowed
FPS: 78.914917 (Foreground)
Mouse: 507,304
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,1080,FALSE,None,FALSE
Session is2: d3quad - D32 - Slot 2
Executable: C:\Games\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe
Command line: "C:\Games\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe" -launch
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 1920x1080 style 96000000. Rendering: 1280x720 - Windowed
FPS: 82.051285 (Background)
Mouse: 506,304
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,1080,FALSE,None,FALSE
Session is3: d3quad - D33 - Slot 3
Executable: C:\Games\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe
Command line: "C:\Games\Diablo III\Diablo III.exe" -launch
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 1920x1080 style 96000000. Rendering: 1280x720 - Windowed
FPS: 82.051285 (Background)
Mouse: 506,304
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,1080,FALSE,None,FALSE

Im very new to isboxer, but i really want to make it work.
is this suppose to be a little blurry when launch with isboxer or is it something im doing wrong? please help
thank you


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Post Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:07 am

Re: Blurry Text help

Says it right there in the state.
Window: 1920x1080 style 96000000. Rendering: 1280x720 - Windowed

Your Window size is 1920x1080, but the game is rendering at 1280x720.
So to display, it is being upscaled, and that makes it look ugly.

It is either something in your ISBoxer profile. i.e. the WIndow Layout you are using has a RESET region set which is sized at 1280x720 so the game is setting itself to this (the RESET region is used to set the Render size - you can find the reset region by selecting your Window Layout, choosing Regions, then the Swap Group tab)

You have the in game settings set to 1280x720 rather than 1920x1080 (you might also not be using Windowed FullScreen in game - or you may need to temporarily switch to Fullscreen and then back to Windowed Fullscreen for D3 to "detect" the correct resolution).

You have display scaling enabled and set to 150%. Depending on Windows version this setting looks different. Windows 10 seems to do it automatically and then not tell you (i.e. it still reads as 100% despite that it is not). You will need display scaling disabled, i.e. 100%
This post shows you where to find it on Windows 10.
If you have another Windows version, google will find it for you.

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