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information needs Multiple Computers

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:28 pm

information needs Multiple Computers

Good evening,

I am looking for information on Multiple Computers. I want to know it is possible to run a game on a dedicated server without video and transmit video over a VideoFX.

If this is not possible do you have any information on the achievement of a Cloud gaming.

Sorry for my english ( french )

Best regards


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Post Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:16 pm

Re: information needs Multiple Computers

No, you can't transmit video through a VideoFX.

In general it isn't possible to get decent framerates over an internet connection, or it will be very laggy if you do. You have to compress the video at the head end into H.264 (or equivalent), then decompress after receiving. These processing steps can add seconds to the delay time (you shoot arrow, 3 seconds later you see the arrow leave your bow.)

If you think about it, the model that is currently used by WoW and others is pretty good. They transmit to the viewer only the most essential information, for example: ToonX moves to postition 32.5,73,4,225.0 and turns 16 degrees (5 words) instead of an entire screen full of data that has to be sent to Every person that is logged in.


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Post Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:16 am

Re: information needs Multiple Computers

I have been working on something to this effect in my spare time actually. I think it is doable over LAN, but going over the interwebs is not going to be pretty, and may not be supported by Inner Space/ISBoxer.

Now.. with that in mind.. someone just last night linked me to a free program that may provide a decent view of your 2nd PC at 30fps, which you could use with ISBoxer 40's "Other Window Sources" to set up some views.

So here it is. I haven't tried it yet myself but I plan to ASAP:
* Program to stream the video from your PC: http://www.splashtop.com/streamer
* Remote Desktop program to connect to/view the streamer: http://www.splashtop.com/remote

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