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Totally and Utterly Confused.

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Post Thu May 16, 2013 2:11 am

Totally and Utterly Confused.

I'm trying to set up the Macros and the FTL crap but am lost and would be real nice if there was a youtube video for this. Cause from what it seems it won't make the follow and assist stuff like in wow and am really at a lose here. No idea what the fuck to do, can rift NOT use the same Follow the Leader for Current Window or Assist the Current Window.

The farthest I've gotten so far is the Invite Macro that still makes me go "Why cant I do the Crtl+alt+I like in wow". Cause this is feeling less and less user friendly. Before anyone says "Look at the guide" I DID!

Like for example.

each Slot, select FTL Modifiers matching Table 1 above. The feature says "World of Warcraft: FTL Modifiers", but it can be used with any game that has a capable Key Binding and Macro system.

There is no World of Warcraft Modifiers, Just World of Warcraft:Generate Follow on this Key Stroke & World of Warcraft Generate Assist on this Key stroke.

I've clicked every tab, every sub part of every portion of the top and bottom panels.

All I want to do is have my Follow Current Window done to Mouse 4, The Auto Assist Leader and Target Leaders Target like in wow and be able to use Ctrl+Alt+I to invite my team. Is rift really incapable of doing that with IsBoxer?

Cause this:
Auto-assisting and broadcasting DPS keys

Using the Many new Mapped Keys windowIn the top pane, click on "Combat" under Key Maps
In the bottom left pane, where it now shows "Combat" and then "Mapped Keys", right click on Mapped Keys and select Many new Mapped Keys.
At the top of the Many new Mapped Keys window is a box labeled "Press a key combination here". Click in that box, and press each and every combination of keys you want to set up right now, which may include any combination of alt,ctrl,shift with whichever non-modifier key you like. I recommend starting with the full default Action Bar, 1 through =.
The "Target for keystrokes" box lets you pick the intended target windows for the keystroke to be passed to. Typically this would be "Window:All w/ current" which will pass the keystroke to every window including the one you are in. Likewise, "Window: All w/o current" will pass the keystroke to every window excluding the one you are in (aka "all other").
The "Do this Mapped Key first" box lets you pick a Mapped Key to perform before the keystroke is passed. This would typically be used for auto-assist. If you would like to add auto-assist:
Click the < to pick a Mapped Key
Target should be Window:Current
Key Map should be Non-combat
Mapped Key should be FTL Assist Me
The "Do this Mapped Key after" box lets you pick a Mapped Key to perform after the keystroke is passed. For true "targetless" operation, this might involve a macro to /cleartarget. In this case just

Half the things I need to do to set this "Supposed" feature up don't even list in the IsBoxer. I've done a clean slat with no other bindings, I've used the wizard and it said that Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 would already be doing what I want. Like Mouse 4 for Follow but it dosen't. What's going on here really?


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Post Thu May 16, 2013 5:06 am

Re: Totally and Utterly Confused.

... I'm working on videos for various games, and updating the Quick Start Guides for the current version. If you're having too much trouble, you can actually use the same setup process I used in both the new EQ2 and LOTRO walkthrough videos instead of trying to set up any macros at all in RIFT, bearing in mind that you won't be able to put auto-assist on your DPS buttons with this method. I even briefly showed using the Mapped Key Wizard in both of these walkthroughs (you can find them right on the front page of ISBoxer.com under what's new -- bottom right).

The reason you can't just Export to Inner Space and already have macros set up for you in the game is because RIFT is not World of Warcraft and does not have exactly the same features as World of Warcraft. More specifically, RIFT does not include a method for RIFT Addons to configure a custom key binding. As soon as they implement that -- and according to the developer on the case, it is on the list of things to do somewhere near the bottom and has been for a long time -- then I can have ISBoxer generate a full Addon like it does for World of Warcraft.

The RIFT macros walkthrough does need to be updated for ISBoxer 41, because ISBoxer does half of it for you now. You don't have to manually set the FTL Modifiers, because ISBoxer automatically set them for you when you completed the Wizard if you had the FTL method selected on the last page. But you still find it the same way -- select your Character Set in the top left pane, select a Slot in the bottom left pane, and then in the Switching tab is a table that says "World of Warcraft: FTL Modifiers". If you don't see it, then make ISBoxer Toolkit bigger so you can see things in the bottom right pane, because it's right beneath the entire "When I switch to this character ... do this Mapped Key" box which includes the "Generate Follow" and "Generate Assist" boxes you described.

The Mapped Key Wizard indeed replaced "Many New Mapped Keys" and includes the same capabilities. It's actually easier using the wizard, because if you want to Assist you just pick Assist and Broadcast in the wizard.

Sorry for your confusion, again I am working on new videos and updating guides.


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Post Thu May 16, 2013 5:53 am

Re: Totally and Utterly Confused.

As a follow-up, I just reviewed the RIFT Macros guide.

Here's the entire process you should follow to set this up...
1. In ISBoxer, go to File and use "Save As" to back up your current configuration
2. Then go to File and select Clear.
3. Use the Quick Setup Wizard and select RIFT
4. Do what you normally do in the Quick Setup Wizard, but on the final page, under Game Key Bindings, click the option at the bottom "Use per-Character Targeting Macros"
5. Click Finish on the wizard
6. Export to Inner Space
7. Make sure you configure the in-game RIFT Macros as outlined in the walkthrough
8. That's all.

Zero ISBoxer configuration is required to invite your characters, not even a single Mapped Key. You already set up a Hotkey in the game, which the guide tells you to use Ctrl+Alt+I. You can just press Ctrl+Alt+I.

Follow and Assist at this point will be completely configured already. You don't need to manually set FTL Modifiers because the Quick Setup Wizard does it for you now. You don't need to manually set up Follow or Assist Mapped Keys because the Quick Setup Wizard does it for you now. You even get to pick the Hotkeys that you will press for both of those -- Alt+F and Alt+A by default. I believe you also get auto-assist and broadcast for 1 through = automatically as well (I will have to double check that later this morning...)

If you want additional Hotkeys, use the Mapped Key Wizard. It includes a "Assist and Broadcast" setting for keys that auto-assist, or "Straight Key Broadcast" for sending only the key you press, or "Key Re-Map" which will set up an individual Hotkey to send a different key (such as the Invite Mapped Key from the original walkthrough instructions).

And again, videos and guide updates are coming...


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Post Thu May 16, 2013 10:54 am

Re: Totally and Utterly Confused.

lax wrote:As a follow-up, I just reviewed the RIFT Macros guide.

Here's the entire process you should follow to set this up...
1. In ISBoxer, go to File and use "Save As" to back up your current configuration
2. Then go to File and select Clear.
3. Use the Quick Setup Wizard and select RIFT
4. Do what you normally do in the Quick Setup Wizard, but on the final page, under Game Key Bindings, click the option at the bottom "Use per-Character Targeting Macros"
5. Click Finish on the wizard
6. Export to Inner Space
7. Make sure you configure the in-game RIFT Macros as outlined in the walkthrough
8. That's all.

Zero ISBoxer configuration is required to invite your characters, not even a single Mapped Key. You already set up a Hotkey in the game, which the guide tells you to use Ctrl+Alt+I. You can just press Ctrl+Alt+I.

Follow and Assist at this point will be completely configured already. You don't need to manually set FTL Modifiers because the Quick Setup Wizard does it for you now. You don't need to manually set up Follow or Assist Mapped Keys because the Quick Setup Wizard does it for you now. You even get to pick the Hotkeys that you will press for both of those -- Alt+F and Alt+A by default. I believe you also get auto-assist and broadcast for 1 through = automatically as well (I will have to double check that later this morning...)

If you want additional Hotkeys, use the Mapped Key Wizard. It includes a "Assist and Broadcast" setting for keys that auto-assist, or "Straight Key Broadcast" for sending only the key you press, or "Key Re-Map" which will set up an individual Hotkey to send a different key (such as the Invite Mapped Key from the original walkthrough instructions).

And again, videos and guide updates are coming...

I don't know what am doing wrong, but Alt+f and Alt+ A and Crtl+Alt+I do not work. I followed your instructions to the letter. 1-8, won't follow or invite.


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Post Thu May 16, 2013 10:58 am

Re: Totally and Utterly Confused.

I don't know what am doing wrong, but Alt+f and Alt+ A and Crtl+Alt+I do not work. I followed your instructions to the letter. 1-8, won't follow or invite.

The only thing required for Ctrl+Alt+I to work, is for you to have correctly set up the in-game Rift /invite macro and assigned it to Ctrl+Alt+I. This part has nothing to do with ISBoxer or Inner Space, or any instruction other than #7 ("Make sure you configure the in-game RIFT Macros as outlined in the walkthrough") -- just RIFT, the invite macro you would have configured in-game, and the Hotkey you would have assigned to the macro.

Therefore, my assumption at this point is that you don't have the Hotkeys assigned to the Macros in the game.


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Post Thu May 16, 2013 1:31 pm

Re: Totally and Utterly Confused.

lax wrote:
I don't know what am doing wrong, but Alt+f and Alt+ A and Crtl+Alt+I do not work. I followed your instructions to the letter. 1-8, won't follow or invite.

The only thing required for Ctrl+Alt+I to work, is for you to have correctly set up the in-game Rift /invite macro and assigned it to Ctrl+Alt+I. This part has nothing to do with ISBoxer or Inner Space, or any instruction other than #7 ("Make sure you configure the in-game RIFT Macros as outlined in the walkthrough") -- just RIFT, the invite macro you would have configured in-game, and the Hotkey you would have assigned to the macro.

Therefore, my assumption at this point is that you don't have the Hotkeys assigned to the Macros in the game.

They are but now the client wont let me pivot the camera at all anymore after a restart and despite having all broadcast off the Client keeps broadcasting on everything. Every mouse click I do its always on all the others.

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